Our goal is to enhance people's life quality through advanced audio
technology and strive towards a more interconnected future with our
innovative open-ear technology.
technology and strive towards a more interconnected future with our
innovative open-ear technology.
Embracing the idea of "Be Open", we are excited to
introduce 2 new products to our lineup.
introduce 2 new products to our lineup.
Step 1
May 27th to
June 4th
June 4th
Step 2
Step 3
June 5th to
June 10th
June 10th
Step 4
before June 26th
Fill in the survey to register
Complete the survey in time to successfully register.
1. Follow @SHOKZ official accounts 2. Tag @SHOKZ and include the hashtag #ShokzBEOPENTOMORE
3. Feedback should include usage time, usage scenarios and wearing experience (You’ll need to answer “Be open to XX” when sharing your experience, and explain it in detail).
4. Content should be more than 200 words with at least 2 pictures, both pictures and videos are acceptable.
1. Follow @SHOKZ official accounts 2. Tag @SHOKZ and include the hashtag #ShokzBEOPENTOMORE
3. Feedback should include usage time, usage scenarios and wearing experience (You’ll need to answer “Be open to XX” when sharing your experience, and explain it in detail).
4. Content should be more than 200 words with at least 2 pictures, both pictures and videos are acceptable.
Announcement of reviewers list
Once registration ends, Shokz will randomly select XX reviewers worldwide. We will partially display the
email addresses of selected candidates and announce them on the official website, and contact each candidate
via our official email address.
Shipping and try out your Shokz headphones
Shipping will be arranged within 3 business days after receiving a reply, and shipment may take 3-5 business
days, so please be patient. We look forward to exploring the excitement of this new product with you! Enjoy
your experience!
Share your thoughts and experience.
1. Follow @SHOKZ official accounts
2. Tag @SHOKZ and include the hashtag #ShokzBEOPENTOMORE
3. Feedback should include usage time, usage scenarios and wearing experience (You’ll need to answer “Be open to XX” when sharing your experience, and explain it in detail).
4. Content should be more than 200 words with at least 2 pictures, both pictures and videos are acceptable.
2. Tag @SHOKZ and include the hashtag #ShokzBEOPENTOMORE
3. Feedback should include usage time, usage scenarios and wearing experience (You’ll need to answer “Be open to XX” when sharing your experience, and explain it in detail).
4. Content should be more than 200 words with at least 2 pictures, both pictures and videos are acceptable.
BE OPEN to health
After being diagnosed with a long term health condition I turned to running. Running allowed me to feel free and work on something where the only competitor was myself. I purchased my Shokz to allow me to run safely.I would not be me without running and I wouldn’t be running without Shokz.
BE OPEN to challenges
Oh where do I begIn?
I’ve run multiple ultra trail races, many through the night - Shokz help me run confidently without the fear of falling and losing an “earbud”. Taking my mind deep into the pain cave, distracted by a good playlist.
BE OPEN to music
J’ai 70 ans et je suis atteint de surdité aux deux oreilles et, une de mes oreilles distorsionne 75% les paroles en les rendant inaudibles; la musique est d’autant déformée déséquilibrant ainsi la tonalité entre mes oreilles… Les écouteurs à conduction osseuse Shokz m’ont permis de faire revivre la musique dans mon quotidien. Malgré mes pertes auditives, Shokz réhabilite mon audition musicale: imaginez le bienfait apporté à une audition sans altération! Sans Shokz, la vie aurait été plus terne, sans couleurs sonores…
BE OPEN to run
J’ai eu la chance de courir le marathon de Nice Cannes 2023 avec mes copains… Shokz m’a fait découvrir ces Skokz Open Run Pro. Cela m’a fait beaucoup de bien en courant avec ce très beau teechirt bleu ciel et avec une belle musique dans mes oreilles…Courir en musique est une thérapie pour moi. Merci beaucoup Skokz de nous faire vivre de belles histoires
BE OPEN to surroundings
Une belle journée de chasse avec deux de mes enfants. Openrun est très utile à la chasse. Les mains oreilles son libre et on peut tout entendre les sons du bois.
BE OPEN to nature
Je portais mon Aeropex quand j'ai traversé l'Atlantique à la voile. Toute seule, pendant mes quarts de nuit, je pouvais écouter ma musique préférée, et entendre les souffles des dauphins qui nous accompagnaient, sans les voir ...
BE OPEN to safety
un matin sur un passage piéton je traversais une nationale et une personne sur le trottoir d’en face a senti qu’une voiture allait griller le feu et m’a crié de m’arrêter… en effet la voiture ne s’est pas arrêtée et si j’avais eu les écouteurs filaires que j’utilisais habituellement je ne pourrais sûrement plus marcher aujourd’hui. Mon casque je l’aime au quotidien pour écouter la musique que j’aime tout en restant sensible au monde qui m’entoure. C’est un atout majeur dans la sécurité qu’il m’apporte.
BE OPEN to accompany
Il m'a accompagné lors de mon marathon du Cognac j'ai pu profiter de la musique tout en parlant avec les autres coureurs et entendre tous les encouragements sans le sentir pendant plus de 4 heures d'effort vraiment c'était le top
BE OPEN to vocation
Ich bin so froh, dass ich trotz Lieblingsmusik auf den Ohren mit den Shokz auch immer ein Ohr auf den Straßenverkehr habe ☺️. Auf meinen Bildern durfte ich den Sonnenaufgang auf Fuerteventura genießen, als ich zum Leuchtturm Entallada hochgeladenen bin. Es war der erste Urlaub ohne Begleitung mit viel Sport, viel Ruhe und traumhaftschönen Läufen
BE OPEN to sceneries
BE OPEN to natural voices
私は耳が敏感で、運動中に通常のイヤホンが使えないため、骨伝導ヘッドフォンShokz OpenRun Proを選びました。このヘッドフォンは耳を塞がず、周囲の音を聞きながら音楽を楽しむことができます。高松の海沿いでのライドでは、波の音や風の音を感じつつ、自然と調和する音楽が進む力を与えてくれました。友達との会話も楽しみながら、自然の中での体験は格別でした。
BE OPEN to vigorous exercise
BE OPEN to parent-child bonding
BE OPEN to hardworking
I work in the power station industry in loud noisey environments. Radio’s were never loud enough & consistently moving from work fronts didn’t make it possible. I’ve come to love these headphones as they are ear plug compatible meaning OHS regulations aren’t impacted, phone calls made easy when covered in oily mess & can’t get my phone out of my pocket. The range is incredible on these walking through & around the workshop without my phone is great.
BE OPEN to comfort
I don't like to use headphones before when I'm running and my daily life. Can't believe it changed when I got shokz open move. It's my first headphoneb since 10years ago, the bone conduction headphone. I get it from my community mad Rabbit Crew. I love to use it now when I'm running every day. Open move headphones allow the sound my music and the sound of traffic, my sound of step to be heard at the same time. It's bring me a pain free listening experience with nothing in my ears.
BE OPEN to daily life
I had been nervous about starting running. I’d never been very sporty and was worried I was too unfit and it would be difficult to find the motivation to run. But using Shokz meant there were fewer barriers; the thought of a run didn’t seem so difficult because instead I looked forward to being able to listen to my favourite podcast or music at the same time. I use them pretty much every day and wouldn’t be without them!
BE OPEN to all possibilities
To show my young daughters that they can do anything in life and that all is possible I ran an ultramarathon (53 miles up and down the Cotswold Way). During the race I went through many ups and downs (some literally but most emotionally) but during these times the Shokz were there at every point playing whatever music or podcast I needed to lift me through to each next stage. I finished the 53 miles in 14 hours.
BE OPEN to pushing limits
I have competed twice in the 29029 endurance event, in which you have 36 hours to repeatedly climb a mountain until you have covered over 29,000 vertical feet of elevation change, which is the height of Mt. Everest. I have used the same pair of Shokz headphones for both 29029 events, and without them, this climb would've been utterly impossible for me. They have taken me through driving rain, hail, and every other kind of weather you can imagine, and not once during these endurance events have I had to charge my headphones. Out of the thousands of dollars of equipment I use during these events, my most valuable tool is unquestionably my Shokz headphones.
Free trial for upcoming headphones
Sign up to join our new product tester club.
BE OPEN to More with Shokz User Stories